About us

Medicines developed with and for prescribers

Listening to practitioners and developing innovative ophthalmic products for them, and with them, is at the heart of LDD Pharma‘s focus.

As a French company specialised in ophthalmology and eye diseases, our laboratories offer pharmaceutical solutions that are tailored as closely as possible to the practices of ophthalmologists taking into accopunt the constraints of their profession.

Innovative, but also environmentally friendly, our products ensure safe and effective use for medical teams, optimised patient care and absolute ease of use.

Laboratoire LDD Pharma

Health and safety at the heart of our values

LDD Pharma has over 20 years’ experience in developing and marketing medical solutions for ophthalmology.

The ophthalmic medicines on offer are the result of high standards of its highly qualified team and the academic experts involved at every stage of the creation process.

In this way, we provide a safe and optimal solution to the issues raised by the specific nature of the treatment of ocular pathologies, particularly in the field of ophthalmological surgery and its after-effects.

Easier marketing thanks to a network of partners of excellence

For easier access to the medical treatments it offers, LDD Pharma entrusts the marketing of its products developed in France to a network of renowned partners, who guarantee the quality and reliability of their supplies, such as Horus Pharma laboratories, Bausch et Lomb laboratory and Substipharm group.

This reliable network of partners ensures that the pharmaceutical products we develop are present and recognised amongst the best innovative ophthalmological solutions available in France, as well as in Europe and internationally.

Our history

Doliage Laboratory

Development and marketing of the first dietary supplements prescribed medically in ophthalmology to prevent the risk of Age Related Macular Degeneration.

Medicines and medical devices available in hospitals and pharmacies.

Creation of Laboratoire Doliage Développement (LDD Pharma)

Development of the first ophthalmological anaesthetic in gel formulation, adapted for surgical use and marketed in Europe, Ophtesic®.

LDD Pharma today

LDD Pharma provides the medical profession with a portfolio of ophthalmological drugs marketed by a network of specialist partners (Ophtesic®, Todexal® and Aflavis®).

LDD Pharma continues to develop new generations of ophthalmic products and works closely with specialised physicians, experts, academics and industrial partners.

The management team

Dr Buhannic
Doctor of Medicine

After working for 15 years in the pharmaceutical industry, both in France and internationally, he created Laboratoires Doliage in 2009, followed by Laboratoires Doliage Développement (LDD Pharma) in 2014. Since 2009, these two laboratories focus on ophthalmology. LDD Pharma’s development programmes are based on the monitoring of clinical practices in ophthalmology.

Jocelyne Lejay
Doctor in Pharmacy
Qualified Person

Over 20 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry in drug development, regulatory affairs and quality assurance.
In 2009, she joined Dr Buhannic to create Laboratoires Doliage, then LDD Pharma in 2014, and is passionately involved in developing and marketing new medicines that meet the daily needs of hospital and private practice ophthalmologists.

Doctor in Pharmacy and Doctor in Science
Head of Scientific and Pharmaceutical Affairs

8 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry as a medical, scientific and regulatory consultant for drug registration in Europe. In 2021, she joined LDD Pharma to participate in Scientific and Pharmaceutical Affairs for LDD Pharma products, as well as in the development of new drugs that meet the daily needs of hospital and outpatient ophthalmologists.

Our values

Passion, perseverance, rigour and ethics are the fundamental values of LDD Pharma in the service of health.

LDD Pharma listens to prescribers, hospital and outpatient practitioners, and aims to meet the specific needs of medical teams and patients by providing solutions that are appropriate, safe, effective, environmentally friendly and of the highest quality.

LDD Pharma’s development is based on strong fundamentals: Development of preservative-free products, European manufacturing and respect for the highest standards of quality, safety, ethics and integrity.

LDD Pharma acts transparently on a daily basis and maintains relationships with its partners based on trust, responsiveness and commitment.

LDD Pharma has been fortunate to find these same values in its partners, with a special mention for HORUS Pharma, the first partner with whom we work closely.